November 24, 2016 - 10:17 AMT
Major explosion shakes southern Turkey, kills two (Updated)

Two people were killed and 16 wounded on Thursday, November 24 in a car bomb explosion outside a local government building in the southern Turkish city of Adana, officials said, according to AFP.

The bomb exploded in the car park of the governor's office for the Adana region, close to the vehicle entrance, the governorate said in a statement.

The explosion sparked a fire, and a cloud of dark smoke spewed into the sky.

The force of the blast caused damage to the governorate itself, the state-run Anadolu news agency said, describing the blast as a "terror attack".

"Two people were killed and 16 were wounded," the governor of Adana, Mahmut Demirtas, was quoted as saying by Anadolu.

"A vehicle blew up at 8.05am (0505 GMT) at a parking lot next to the entrance of the governor's office," Demirtas said.

The attack is believed to have been carried out by a woman, the governor said, without providing further details of the nature of the blast.

As has been the case with previous attacks, the Turkish authorities immediately slapped a broadcast ban on footage of the blast.