June 21, 2007 - 16:29 AMT
Armenia interested in arrival of UNESCO mission for protection of cultural monuments
Armenia is not only aware of the visit of UNESCO mission for protection of cultural monuments but is also interested in its arrival, RA MFA Acting Spokesman Vladimir Karapetian told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter. "It's not a secret that the Armenian monuments in Azerbaijan, especially in Nakhichevan, are systematically demolished. Armenia has repeatedly raised the issue in UNESCO and other international institutions," Karapetian said.

He reminded that letters calling to put an end to cultural genocide in Nakhichevan were addressed to UNESCO Director General in 1998, 2002 and 2005. "In 2006 the moves undertaken to stop demolition of Armenian khachkars helped the break silence and attract attention of the international community to the issue. In November 2006, the Armenian Foreign Minister again sent a letter to UNESCO to condemn the position of the Azeri side, which prevented arrival of the European Parliament's mission. Vartan Oskanian then expressed hope that the UNESCO delegation will escape this lot and said that Armenia is ready to assist in fact-finding and attaches great importance to the mission's visit to the region," Vladimir Karapetian said.

According to Azeri Minister of Culture and Tourism, the date of the visit should be coordinated with the Armenian side. "As soon as Armenia gives consent to the visit, the mission will arrive. Azerbaijan has completed all preparations," he said.