July 3, 2007 - 15:00 AMT
Richard Giragosian: Status of Nagorno Karabakh is the actual state of NKR
As times goes by chances of Azerbaijan to return Nagorno Karabakh are decreasing. The status of Nagorno Karabakh is the actual state of NKR, expert-analyst from the Jane's Research Center Richard Giragosian stated to the PanARMENIAN.Net journalist. He said, the settlement of the Kosovo conflict is very important in this regard. "Kosovo may become a precedent for Nagorno Karabakh, since that province will acquire independence based on the right of nations to self-determination. Moscow and Washington have differences on Kosovo, however their differences do not lie in the issue to grant independence to Kosovo but in the mechanisms around it," he said. R. Giragosian underlined that Kosovo's independence is an accomplished fact. "Moscow uses his veto power in the UN Security Council over the draft resolution, which grants Kosovo independence. Meanwhile Washington declares that he recognizes the independence of Kosovo even in case of Moscow's veto. If the principle of self-determination is applicable to Kosovo, why it cannot be used in case of NK? Here the fact that Kosovo problem is being settled via self-determination is very important and it gives a subject for negotiations if the world likes it or no. I don't think that anyone has a ready formula, however it is necessary to accept the realities, including the OSCE MG. And the reality is the fact that Karabakh cannot ever become a part of Azerbaijan. I am sure that politicians in Moscow, Washington and Paris perfectly realize it," Richard Giragosian underscored.