July 17, 2007 - 16:10 AMT
UN Security Council not able to settle Kosovo problem
During his press conference in New York headquarters UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon once again said he is concerned over Security Council's inability to determine the future status of Kosovo. Ban Ki-moon stated to journalists that further delays in this issue are extremely undesirable and may have negative consequences not only on Balkans' peace and stability, but also of entire Europe. "I hope SC members will manage to settle this problem proceeding from recommendations made by my special representative. I have personally discussed this issue with the heads of countries, which are represented in the Security Council, including Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Ahtisaari recommendations include all elements necessary for determining Kosovo's future status," the UN Sec. Gen. said. At the same time he added granting actual independence to Kosovo "will not serve as an example for separatists in other countries".

Meanwhile, Moscow has already stated he will not support the new draft resolution on Kosovo and will speak for new talks between Kosovo and Serbia with a new mediator. "We think that the Ahtisaari plan has failed. New impartial talks with a new impartial mediator are needed. We say this to the Security Council," Russia's UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin stated.

In his part Serbia is ready to settle the Kosovo problem through open dialog and compromises with the Albanian side, Serbia's UN Ambassador Stanimir Vukićević stated. He said, Kosovo and Metohija are very delicate problems for the Serbian side, since they make 15% of Serbia's territory. "That's why we treat it with the full right to keep country's territorial integrity. Our struggle bases on the international law, UN Charter, which guarantees integrity for internationally recognized states. Serbia is ready to settle the Kosovo problem through open dialog and compromises with the Albanian side, but we are against any dictated unilateral solutions, since we are sure that such a solution will not contribute to the peace and stability of the region," the diplomat concluded.