July 18, 2007 - 14:25 AMT
RA MFA: people of Nagorno Karabakh have the right to decide their fate
The people of Nagorno Karabakh have the right to decide their fate by choosing democracy as the way of development, RA MFA Acting Spokesman Vladimir Karapetian told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

Presidential elections in Nagorno Karabakh represent the sovereign decision of the people, according to him. "We support the endeavors targeted at further democratization of the republic. Election of the third NKR President is Nagorno Karabakh's contribution to stability in the region and a step towards peaceful settlement of the Karabakh conflict," Mr Karapetian underscored.

The presidential election in Nagorno Karabakh will be held July 19, 2007. Former Director of the NKR National Security Bako Sahakyan, former Deputy Foreign Minister Masis Mailyan, NKR NA member Armen Abgaryan, lecturer of the Artsakh State University, professor Vanya Avanesyan and leader of Artsakhi Communist Party Hrant Melkumyan will run for the post.