July 18, 2007 - 16:24 AMT
Masis Mailyan: Kosovo model interesting for Karabakh
International recognition of Kosovo as an independent state would give new impetus to the sovereignty claim of Nagorno Karabakh.

"The Kosovo model of conflict settlement could be an example for the resolution of other conflicts," former NKR Deputy Foreign Minister, presidential contender Masis Mailyan told Reuters.

"If it (Kosovo) is recognized, then it is interesting to me in that an unrecognized country has won recognition in spite of the opinion of its former sovereign rulers," he said

"In this sense the Kosovo model is an interesting one for us. That is to say, we could achieve recognition under a new scenario," he added.

Mailyan said Nagorno Karabakh would keep pursuing a negotiated settlement with Azerbaijan in the hope that would lead to international recognition. Peace talks lasting more than 15 years have failed to make significant progress. But he said recognition for Kosovo would encourage Nagorno Karabakh to pursue a second track, to lobby foreign states and international organizations to grant it recognition with or without Azerbaijan's consent.