July 19, 2007 - 15:18 AMT
If Turkey wishes, it can join Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, but not EU
France offers to form an ad hoc committee of experts on issues concerning borders of the European Union. Moreover, position of official Paris on Turkey's membership in the EU has not changed, French State Secretary on European Affairs Jean-Pierre Jouyet stated. He said, Paris offers to form an ad hoc committee of experts on the level of the European Union. Solution of issues concerning EU borders will be the main task of the committee.

At the same time Jouyet excluded the possibility that official Paris will change its policy towards Turkey's membership in the EU. "Our stance towards Ankara has not changed. We have already made concessions to include technical articles in the membership talks. France on no account is trying to create additional obstacles for the Turkish State in his way to the European Union. However, the issue of Turkey's membership will be discussed only when the country will be ready for it," Jouyet underlined.

He also noted, if Turkey wishes, it can join the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, but not the EU. "If Turkey is interested in this project, let it acquaint himself with membership conditions. However, it is not an alternative for EU membership," the French State Secretary added, Deutsche Welle reports.