July 19, 2007 - 17:03 AMT
By 14:00 local time 53% of voters participated in presidential elections of NKR
By 14:00 local time (GMT+4) 53% of voters participated in the presidential elections of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic, the PanARMENIAN.Net journalist was told in NKR CEC (Central Electoral Commission).

According to the NKR electoral Code, in order for elections to be valid 25% of eligible citizens must vote, consequently, presidential elections in NKR are valid.

Five candidates are running for the presidential post. Ex-Director of the NKR National Security Service Bako Sahakyan, former Deputy Foreign Minister Masis Mailyan, NKR NA member Armen Abgaryan, lecturer at the Artsakh State University professor Vanya Avanesyan and leader of Artsakhi Communist Party, head of the Control Service of the NKR Government's Administration are running for the post.