July 20, 2007 - 00:04 AMT
MEP: elections in Karabakh no worse than in Italy
European Parliament member Giulietto Chiesa arrived in Karabakh not only as an observer of the presidential elections. "I am more a politician than an observer. I wanted to speak with the President and the parliament head and establish political contacts. I have good impressions. The work is organized well. I have read your laws and rate them as irreproachable," he said.

When asked what reaction he expects from Azerbaijan, he said, "It's all the same for me. I am a free person and can go wherever I wish. I have come here to learn more about this country. I was a journalist once and have the idea of the situation. But I would like to know more."

Mr Chiesa said he visited Palestine not long ago. "The level in Karabakh is quite different. People know for whom and why they vote. It's not worse than in Italy," he underscored.

When speaking of the possibility of international recognition of Karabakh's independence, he noted that the international community is not familiarized with the situation in Karabakh. "I think time is needed for the world to get informed of the Karabakh problem," Giulietto Chiesa resumed.