September 4, 2007 - 18:07 AMT
Israel fears Turkey can use Genocide issue for smoothing relations between countries
"Armenian, Turkish and Israeli sailors were drilled in the Mediterranean to avoid blows. However, a "rocket" came from the front not provided by the exercise plan. The Anti-Defamation League (an American Jewish organization) said it rates the extermination of 1.5 million of Armenians as "equal to genocide." A danger of undermining diplomatic relations between Ankara and Ehud Olmert's government has emerged," Corriere della Sera Italian newspaper reports.

"Turkish Ambassador returned to Tel-Aviv after a vacation to urge explanation and pressure on the American Jewish organization," the newspaper says.

"We support strategic relations not only with Israel but also with Jewish communities throughout the globe. Turkish people do not set difference between them," Namik Tan told Jerusalem Post.

Shimon Peres, who assumed the presidential office two months ago, interfered to smooth the crisis. He telephoned Turkish PM Erdogan. However some liberal editions like Haaretz subjected his move to sharp criticism. "The last and the most brilliant pupil of Ben Gurion confirmed Israel's position and chose realpolitik instead of moral purity," the reaction was.

Turkey has been bound with the Jewish state by a military cooperation agreement since 1996. Turkey is the only Muslim state wish enjoys close relations with Israel. The governments of Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert were actively supporting Turkey's bid to the EU while PM Erdogan supported election of Magen David Adom organization to the International Committee of the Red Cross.

In response to Anti-Defamation League's demarche, Turkish Foreign Minister stated that "it's historically and legally groundless to speak of the Armenian Genocide" and that "the position on Holocaust which has no precedents is inappropriate and unjust." "We are hopeful the statement will be corrected," he added.

Ankara by all means wants to prevent U.S. Congress from passing the bill recognizing the Armenian Genocide.

In March a group of Israeli MPs proposed to hold a discussion on mass murders, however their attempts produced no effect.

The Turkish Ambassador in Tel Aviv hinted that his country expects the Olmert government to exert pressure on Jewish organizations in the U.S.

Some Israeli analysts fear that the Turkish government can use the issue for smoothing relations between the countries.