September 7, 2007 - 19:07 AMT
Aliyev regime doesn't shun lies
Invention of "genocides committed by Armenians against Azeris" can serve as example of cheap falsification of Eastern Transcaucasia's modern history by the Aliyev regime in an attempt to "create a counterbalance" to the crimes committed against Armenians in the 20th century, director of the institute of national and strategic studies at the RA defense ministry, adviser to the defense minister, political scientist, senior expert of ethnic and national security political sciences, major general Hayk Kotanjian said in an interview posted at the defense ministry's web site.

"In 1988, by Heydar Aliyev's initiative the Azeri government passed the law "On genocide against Azerbaijanis." Thus, denial of the Armenian Genocide was decorated with absurdity. "The drama of Azeri public is that it's duped every spring and involved into mourning events dedicated to a genocide that had never taken place.

Baku intellectuals gibe at this dishonest and dangerous way of "political consolidation of people." They do know that massacres of Armenians took place in the beginning of the 20th century. They do know about the pogroms of the peaceful Armenian population in Sumgait in 1988 and in Baku in 1990. The Aliyev regime does not shun vulgar lies.

The recent campaign of commemoration of victims of "genocide" allegedly committed by Armenians against Mountain Jews meant to cause a clash between Armenians and Jews. Blasphemously distorting the historical truth, Aliyev's manipulators present the mass burial places of Armenians as the "victims of genocides committed by Armenians."
The purpose is to poison the centuries-long neighbor relations between Armenians of Shirvan and Mountain Jews and to incite Israel and the Jewish lobby against Armenia," Hayk Kotanjian said.