September 12, 2007 - 15:24 AMT
ArmRosgazprom purchases Iran-Armenia gas pipeline
ArmRosgazprom purchased the Iran-Armenia gas pipeline, Gazprom's Management Committee Deputy Chairman Valery Golubev told a briefing in Yerevan. The gas pipeline was purchased as result of emission of ArmRosgazprom stocks bought out by Gazprom, he said.

As to gas price, it can increase to $130 for thousand cu. m. in 2008. "The prices for Armenia are quite moderate. Russian consumers are supposed to pay some $150 by 2011. It's premature to speak how much Armenia will pay at that time," he noted.

Presently, Armenia pays $110 for thousand cu. m. of Russian gas.

At the initial stage, Armenia is supposed to get 400 million cu. m. of gas annually. In 2007 ArmRosgazprom is launching construction of a second pipe. Afterwards Armenia will receive 2.3 billion cu. m.