September 15, 2007 - 16:37 AMT
Azeri soldier faces choice: whether to return to Baku and go to prison or leave for Europe
"Azeri soldier Samir Mammadov, who yielded himself prisoner to Armenia, should decide himself where to go: to Azerbaijan or to Europe," said Avaz Azimov, a coordinator of the International Working Group for POWs and Hostages.

"The soldier knows that he will stand trial in Azerbaijan. However, there are still problems with finding a third country," Hasanov said, reports.

Samir Mammadov crossed the Armenian-Azeri border and gave up in December 2006.

Two other soldiers, Vusal Garajayev and Eldaniz Nuriyev, were sentenced to 11 and 12 years of imprisonment upon return from the Armenian captivity.