September 28, 2007 - 17:10 AMT
CSTO Defense Ministers stand against U.S. anti-missile defense shield in Europe
A meeting of the Council of Defense Ministers of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) was held in Bishkek September 28. "CSTO Secretary General Nikolay Bordyuzha and Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov as well as Defense Ministers of Kirghizia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Belarus and Armenia attended the meeting. The participants discussed the U.S. plans to mount anti-missile assets in Eastern Europe," reads a statement issued by United Russia party.

"Deployment of any forces represents a menace. Violation of balance of forces in the region can have unforeseeable consequences. The states where the assets are mounted will assume the greatest risk. That is why decisions should be taken in compliance with the international agreements and opinion of neighbor states, including the CSTO," said Leonid Maltsev, the Belarusian Minister of Defense.

Upon completion of the meeting CSTO Sec. Gen. handed jubilee orders "CSTO is 15 years old" to the Defense Ministers.