October 3, 2007 - 16:12 AMT
Survey: Israel has no right to deny Armenian Genocide
NEWSru.co.il web site has accomplished a survey titled "Israel and Armenian Genocide." The survey proceeded in two stages (August 27-28 and October 2). 561 people took part in the survey, 509 of them answered all of the questions.

The topic of the survey was prompted by the Anti-Defamation League's recognition of the 1915 events in the Ottoman Empire as tantamount to genocide. The statement found support among many Israeli politicians, what led to tension in relations with Turkey.

The survey showed that the absolute majority (82,5%) agree with the opinion that the Israeli people, who survived the Holocaust have no right to deny tragedies of other nations. At that 72,4% think that Israel should recognize the mass killings of Armenians in Turkey in 1915 as genocide.

43,8% of those surveyed said Israel should recognize the Armenian Genocide even at expense of breaking off relations with Turkey. 35,2% said it's not the price for Israel to pay.

48% think it possible to convince Turkey in the necessity to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide. 33,2% said it's unreal.

Turkey's denial of the Armenian Genocide still remains one of the obstacles for its accession to the European Union.