October 15, 2007 - 17:23 AMT
Turkish General Staff: U.S. "shot itself in the foot" by approving Armenian Genocide Resolution
Turkey's most senior general warned on Sunday that military ties with the U.S. would be severely damaged if the House of Representatives adopted a resolution labeling the massacre of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire as Genocide. The warning comes amid signs that relations between Washington and Ankara are starting to unravel.

General Yashar Buyukanit said that the U.S. "shot itself in the foot in its handling of the Armenian resolution, adopted by a House committee last week, and by failing to clamp down on the PKK Kurdish separatist movement in northern Iraq, which Turkey blames for the killings of at least 30 Turkish soldiers and civilians in the past two weeks."

"If this resolution that was passed in the committee also passes in the House, our military ties with the U.S. can never be the same again," Gen Buyukanit said, Financial Times reports.