October 17, 2007 - 15:13 AMT
Turkey pursues erroneous policy of threats and blackmail towards Israel and Jewish lobby
The Armenian Genocide Resolution, H.Res.106 has nothing to do with intrusion into northern Iraq, ARF Bureau's Hay Dat and Political Affairs Office Director, Kiro Manoyan told a news conference in Yerevan.

"First, talks about possible intervention of Turkish have been lasting for a year already. Second, the government's bill on military operations in Iraq was submitted to the parliament two days before the U.S. Foreign Affairs Committee's vote," Mr Manoyan said.

"The date of vote on H.Res.106 will be conditioned by internal and external developments but it will certainly take place," Mr Manoyan said.

"House Speaker Pelosi once said that during her 20 years in Congress the Genocide resolution "was never at the right time," he noted.

He also recollected the CNN speech of Assistant Secretary of State, who called things by their proper names and used the term 'Armenian Genocide'.

"Turkey pursues erroneous policy of blackmail and threats towards Israel and Jewish lobby. It forgets that the whole world censures its treatment of national minorities," Mr Manoyan underscored.