October 19, 2007 - 14:37 AMT
RA Prime Minister and U.S. Defense Secretary discussed parity in military aid to Yerevan and Baku
Armenian Prime Minister Serge Sargsyan, currently in the U.S. on a formal visit, met yesterday with U.S. Secretary of Defense, Dr Robert M. Gates. The parties focused on parity in military aid to Armenia and Azerbaijan.

The Pentagon head assessed highly Armenia's participation in the peacekeeping mission in Iraq, the Armenia Public Television reports.

Later, Mr Gates told reporters they did not refer to the Armenian Genocide resolution but refrained from furnishing any other details, ITAR-TASS said.

On the same day the Armenian Prime Minister met with Executive Director of Millennium Challenge Corporation, Mr John Danilovich, who informed that the Corporation Board will sit in November to discuss the process of Armenia's program implementation. According to an interim report, the process is estimated a positive, Mr Danilovich said.