October 19, 2007 - 16:10 AMT
Turkey shamelessly attempts to export to U.S. Congress its Article 301
"The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) is working to counter the efforts of the Turkish lobby, which is pouring millions of dollars in foreign government money into the American political system in a truly shameless attempt to export to the U.S. Congress its Article 301 "gag-rule" on the Armenian Genocide," ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

"As Americans, we are opposed to "outsourcing" American foreign policy to Turkey - allowing another nation to dictate which human rights issues we can and cannot discuss," he said.

"Turkey's efforts are already backfiring: Congressman Sires criticized these threats as "a Turkish sword" over his head. Congressman Crowley said "shame" on Turkey for threatening to destabilize our forces in Iraq. Senator Menendez sharply attacked "the Turkish government's attempts to intervene in the business of the U.S. Congress with over-the-top threats," he said.

"Americans know that they advance America's interests when they stand up for human rights. The ANCA is, as always, working with all our community partners in building support for the adoption of the Armenian Genocide Resolution, Mr Hamparian said.