April 26, 2017 - 13:33 AMT
New “Game Of Thrones” photos offer fresh clues

Few things are as great as knowing something before you’re supposed to. It’s the same feeling you get from yelling at Steve on “Blue’s Clues” about what the clues actually mean. He’s giving you that blank stare, not because he’s actually staring into a camera lens and can’t hear you, but because you’re a total boss.

Jon Snow will never have that feeling. Jon Snow knows nothing. However, we might know something new about him and where “Game of Thrones” is going. It’s all because a new photo, The Huffigton Post said.

After HBO released Season 7 photos, including this one of Sam and Gilly, fans have been frantically trying to decode what Gilly is reading.

Now, apparently, they have.

As reported by “Game of Thrones” fan site Winter is Coming, Redditor itsjayrr pointed out that the page seems to be out of George R.R. Martin’s book The World of Ice & Fire, which tells the history of Westeros. The passage talks about Azor Ahai, the person who’s supposed to save everyone.

Upon inspection, it does seem like key words in the image do match up with the text from the book, The Huffigton Post said.

On the page from The World of Ice & Fire, we hear about “The Long Night,” a time when winter supposedly lasted for a generation. Then, a hero known as Azor Ahai came along to help rid the land of the White Walkers. A prophecy tells of the return of Azor Ahai, sometimes used interchangeably with the term The Prince That Was Promised. Either way, this legendary character is seen as the person who will ultimately save Westeros.

“The paragraph further emphasizes the importance of the prophecy within the “Game of Thrones” universe and makes us wonder: who will be Azor Ahai?

Is it Dany? Is it Jon Snow? Someone else? The debate can go on and on.

Kit Harington told HuffPost that he didn’t care if his character, Jon Snow, is the Prince or not, which is probably for the best. If the page Gilly’s perusing is from The World of Ice & Fire, Snow has bigger problems.

Something is coming to “Game of Thrones,” and it ain’t winter ...

It’s Ice Spiders.

Oh what a tangled ice web we weave ...

Following the revelation about the book, we checked out our own copy of The World of Ice & Fire.

When you look at the specific section of text, it’s easy to notice that the rest of the page has a reference to the White Walkers using giant ice spiders. There’s even a picture of White Walkers with the spiders. If the book Gilly is using is some version of The World of Ice & Fire, continued reading will reveal the same.

Giant ice spiders have already been mentioned on the show. Old Nan told Bran about them back in Season 1, saying the White Walkers’ spiders were as big as hounds.

Are the spiders coming? Time will tell.

But, yeah, duh, why not?

If this book on the show is being looked to as fact, Sam and Gilly better hope they have Hagrid from “Harry Potter” coming to help. That dude loves spiders. Ron will probably want to stay home.

Ice spiders are coming,” The Huffington Post said.

“Game of Thrones” Season 7 premieres July 16.