November 19, 2007 - 18:42 AMT
AXA paid $1 mln to 3 Armenian benevolent organizations
AXA insurance company paid $1 mln to three French-Armenian organizations - UGAB, Blue Cross and the Armenian Fund. The sum was assigned from $17,5 mln meant for heirs of the Armenian Genocide victims who had been insured by AXA. All payments will be accomplished till the end of 2008, independent French journalist Jean Eckian told PanARMENIAN.Net.

In July 2007 AXA issued a list of individuals it had insured before 1915. People whose ancestors fell victims to the Armenian Genocide can file an application for receiving compensation. The sum assigned by AXA totals $17,5 mln. $3 mln will be allocated to France-based charitable organizations. Other $3 mln will cover court expenses and sending of notifications. $11 mln will go to the fund that will launch insurance contributions.