December 10, 2007 - 19:08 AMT
RA FM honored with Civilitas 2007 award
In Conegliano Italy on December 9, 2007, Armenia's Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian received the Civilitas 2007 award from the Dama Castellana organization, the RA FM press office reported.

The award, established in 1992 by the Dama Castellana organization, the town of Conegliano, the Province of Treviso, the Region of Veneto, and the European Community, is intended for those individuals who personify human values, tolerance, solidarity and whose work adds quality to the life of the community and humanity.

Previous winners include Pope John Paul II (2004) and Rita Levi Montalcini (2003), a Nobel Prize laureate and daughter of Primo Levi.

The official ceremony bestowing the award on Minister Oskanian took place on Sunday, December 9. In the town hall, in the presence of local and regional leaders, businessmen and dignitaries, as well as members of Italy's Armenian community, the announcement of the award was made. This was followed by a procession towards the Academy Theater, with participants dressed in traditional garb carrying the medieval traditional banners of the region. At the Theater, Minister Oskanian was awarded the prize for his work in promoting dialogue to achieve peace and stability in the region and in the world.