December 17, 2007 - 19:46 AMT
Armenian bloggers handed a bar of soap to initiator of "Days of Azerbaijan" in Yerevan
A group of Armenian bloggers handed a symbolic present - a bar of soap - to Georgy Vanyan, the initiator of "Days of Azerbaijan" in Yerevan. The present was handed with a wish "for better work."

The measure had for an object to teach the organizers of the so-called Days of Azerbaijan a good lesson.

December 17, a rather strange event titled "Days of Azerbaijan" took place in Yerevan. The event was organized by well known director of Mkhitar Sabastatsi educational complex Ashot Bleyan and his assistant Georgy Vanyan, who represents a Caucasus center of peace sponsored by the UK Embassy. Not to mention absurdity of the event jointly with a state which tries to justify Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh's blockade in the eyes of the world community, it's noteworthy that such an initiative could hardly occur in Azerbaijan.

The RA Armenian Ministry of Science and Education did not react.

Armenian schoolchildren were offered to write a composition with a title "Open letter to my peer", "How I see Azerbaijan", "Armenia-Azerbaijan: the future."

Comments are unnecessary, but taking into account the writings of the schoolchildren who are being filled with the ideas that "Baku and Ankara are Armenia's best friends and the evil comes from Diaspora and Dashnaks, who keep on speaking of a genocide." No one wants war, especially Armenians. But there is a difference between desire for peace and treason. Unfortunately, Bleyan and Vanyan are not the people to understand this.