December 17, 2007 - 20:05 AMT
RF MFA: situation in Kosovo reached critical point
The Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement warning that the Kosovo status issue has reached a "critical point".

"We call on the permanent members of the UN Security Council, partners in the Contact Group and the EU, to once again look at all the consequences of granting Kosovo sovereignty, and to keep the process and the solution within the framework of international law and to refrain from rushed solutions which can set destructive precedents for the entire system of international relations."

The situation regarding the resolution of the provinces status had reached a critical point and is now threatening to turn into a crisis which would be impossible to control, Moscow believes.

"By encouraging Pristina's separatist aspirations, the United States and certain countries of the European Union were openly ignoring the positive results that had been achieved during the negotiations under the auspices of the Contact Group Troika," the statement also said.

Russia supports a continuation of negotiations and is open to the discussion about a new format or modality for the talks that would take into consideration the best interests of both sides, and the priorities of the international factors, guiding the talks towards a compromise between the two sides and giving Kosovo a European perspective, the Ministry stated.

The Russian Ministry also stated that the Kosovo government has been releasing statements that it will unilaterally violate the UN Security Council's Resolution 1244 by proclaiming independence, which would bring about many negative consequences for regional and international stability.

"The UN SC Resolution 1244, from which our partners have the habit of pointing only to the obligations of Belgrade, and not to those of Pristina as well, is now being turned upside down, and it is claimed that it does not close the door to Kosovo independence, as well as that it enables an arbitrary change of international presence, which will be carried out by bypassing the UN SC and without the agreement of the sides involved," the statement further reads.

"Such a tightrope act, a unilateral interpretation of the Security Council Resolution, undermines the authority of UNSC decisions in the settlement of the Kosovo crisis," Russia cautioned, pointing out that the behind-the scenes maneuvering, "is trying persuade the UN leadership into a legalization of future illegal moves".

"We are convinced that no one is going to yield to blackmail," the Russian Foreign Ministry underlined in the statement.

"The stake is the authority of the UN, and the resolution of Kosovo issue cannot be carried out outside the framework of the Security Council - the main body of the UN, which is responsible for international peace and security," the statement says.

Official Moscow also expressed concern over the plans of international forces in Kosovo, "which envisage repressive measures in the province that will be aimed against the ones that do not want to accept Kosovo's independence".