July 3, 2017 - 14:17 AMT
Season 8 episodes of “Game of Thrones” could be feature length

The first Game of Thrones fan convention, Con of Thrones, wrapped on the July 2 evening in Nashville after a weekend of buildup for the return of the show for its seventh season on HBO on July 16, according to Deadline.

From a review of the speaker agenda and online reports coming out of the convention, it wasn’t heavy on major spoilers or dish, but there were a few intriguing tidbits. Among the biggest is that episodes could be getting much longer as the show heads to its conclusion. While the number of episodes has shrunk, with seven slated for the upcoming season and just six for the yet-to-be-produced final batch, Season 8, the length will likely move toward feature range of 80-plus minutes next season, according to sound designer Paula Fairfield. She said Season 7 episodes will be their customary hour-long duration, but the finale of Season 7 clocks in at 82 minutes. In Season 8, the episode could be in the 80-plus-minute range of a feature film, as series like Sherlock and Black Mirror have done.

Another panel, cheekily called “Ghosts of Westeros,” brought together characters who have died on the show to recall the filming of their deaths. Miltos Yerolemou, who plays Syrio Forel, demurred when the moderator asked if he might not be a ghost of Westeros after all and that he could return alive. Showrunners and HBO are legendarily paranoid about any plot details leaking out about the show, and Yerolemou cited that cone of silence in his dodge.

While the inaugural Con of Thrones featured few current cast members, many of them have started making the publicity rounds ahead of the season launch.