July 15, 2017 - 14:17 AMT
New 'Incredibles 2' details revealed at D23

Some 13 years after the original "Incredibles"hit theaters, director Brad Bird revealed new details for "The Incredibles 2," the long-awaited sequel to the 2004 film that introduced the superfamily made up of husband and wife Mr. Incredible (Craig T. Nelson) and Elastigirl (Holly Hunter) and their children, Violet (Sarah Vowell), Dashiell (Spencer Fox) and baby Jack Jack, The Hollywood Reporter reveals.

Bird revealed that Elastigirl, not Mr. Incredible, will be the star of this film, as she will be off adventuring and her husband will be home with the baby. And this time around, Huck Milner will be voicing Dash. Samuel L. Jackson is back as Frozone, and Bird is reprising his role as Edna Mode.

Bird also showed off the first footage of the film to the eager crowd. The first clip (a work in progress), showed Jack Jack as he wanders outdoors after his dad falls asleep. There, he shows off his newfound superpowers as he gets into a confrontation with a raccoon. His trick? He can multiply.

"It's fundamentally a story about family," Bird said, adding that the latest technology is allowing them to enhance the animation. "The technology has gotten so much better; we can get them close to what we wanted to do in the [original]. It’s like driving a better car."

He also showed new animation tests of the family, as well as concept art that revealed that the Incredibles have a new house — and it's a super lair. The downside? It's "made up of sharp corners, which is not ideal for a baby." Luckily, Jack Jack is pretty tough.

Nicole Paradis Grindle and John Walker are producing Incredibles 2, which is set for release on June 15, 2018.