August 11, 2017 - 15:57 AMT
Gmail for iOS will warn you about suspicious links

A few months ago, Google introduced an anti-phishing feature for Gmail on Android after a widespread attack affected millions of users. Now, Mountain View is adding the extra security measure to Gmail for iOS. Sometime within the next 15 days, a warning message will pop up when you click on a suspicious link. It will let you know that the URL you want to access leads to an untrusted site, and it will ask if you're absolutely sure you want to continue, Engadget reports.

If you do choose to continue, Google will load another warning that the website you're trying to visit "has been identified as a forgery."

It's a multi-layered protection against phishing attempts, and you'll have to knowingly visit scam websites to fall victim to their schemes. Of course, it can only protect you if you click a link in Gmail -- you'll still have to practice vigilance everywhere else on the web.