January 28, 2008 - 16:20 AMT
"Deep state" lays down cards
Existence of Ergenekon is a manifestation of the "deep state", whose aim us to maintain Kemalism in Turkey, Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies at the RA Academy of Sciences, Dr Ruben Safrastyan told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter. "Those arrested in Turkey had close links with high ranking officials, including the military. Turkey is facing a wave of terrorist acts. However, I am confident that the people arrested are just subordinates in this organization. They threaten to kill Orhan Pamuk and Christians in order to tense the situation and pave the way to military interference," Dr Safrastyan said.

On January 26, The Turkish law enforces arrested 33 members of the Ergenekon network over suspicion in plotting a coup d'état. The investigation has so far found that the Ergenekon organization had plotted to kill Turkey's Nobel Prize-winning author Orhan Pamuk and other public figures to drag Turkey into chaos to create the perfect environment for a coup - not unlike the atmosphere of the pre-1980 period, which ended with a violent military takeover - that was to be staged in 2009.

The gang is also supposed to have plotted the assassination of Armenian journalist Hrant Dink.