January 29, 2008 - 19:19 AMT
Number of potential voters in Armenia increased
As of January 24, 2.312.945 voters are registered in the electoral rolls, head of passport and visa department of the Armenian Police Alvina Zakarian stated in Yerevan today.

Thus, the number of potential voters as compared to the parliamentary elections of 2007 has increased by 27,075 people.

Alvina Zakarian explained the given growth by the increase of the number of citizens, who have reached the age of 18, by the fact that the law on dual citizenship came into force, as well as by the demobilization of persons, who completed the fix-term military service.

She informed that the passport and visa department continues constant process of making the voters' lists more accurate.

There is a hot line in the Armenian Police on revealing violations in the polling stations, elections2008.am reports.