February 9, 2008 - 14:29 AMT
Kocharian ordered to find out causes of Justice Ministry fire
Armenian President Robert Kocharian ordered the law enforcement bodies to look into the causes of the fire in the RA Justice Ministry, the RA leader's press office said. Besides, the Armenian government was ordered to take all measures for soonest resumption of the Ministry's activity.

President Kocharian said he is pleased with the work of the firemen who managed to prevent the fire from expansion over to the premises of the public prosecutor's office and the court of cassations.

The roof and two upper storeys of the Armenian Ministry of Justice burned out in Yerevan this morning. An alert came at 5 a.m. 23 fire brigades and 7 fire engines arrived at the site. The firemen managed to carry out some equipment but the damage is grave. The offices of the Minister and his deputies were completely burned down. The building was erected at the beginning of last century and was rapidly enveloped in flames. It's not known yet when the Ministry will base.