February 13, 2008 - 17:35 AMT
Ara Abrahamyan: Armenians should unite for Karabakh resolution
Presentation of "Nagorno Karabakh in international law and world politics" collected documents took place in the Armenian National Academy of Sciences today. The collection was published by initiative of the World Armenian Congress and the Union of Armenians of Russia. The three volume edition was organized by international law professor Yuri Barseghov.

Congratulating the attendees on the publication, WAC President Ara Abrahamyan said that the purpose of the collection is to refute Azerbaijan's ongoing distortion of history and find adequate peaceful solutions to the existing problems.

"Armenians throughout the globe should unite for a peaceful resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. We should prove that Nagrono Karabakh has always been an Armenian territory and its annexation to Azerbaijan is inadmissible. These collected documents can make a contribution to the process," he said.