March 3, 2008 - 17:27 AMT
Tigran Torosian: Yerevan events should be lesson for everyone
The latest developments in Yerevan are the result of dirty policy and should be a lesson for all, RA NA speaker Tigran Torosian told an extra parliament session.

"The authorities resorted to the move because there was no other way out. Imposition of state of emergency was a hard decision to take but we could not allow Ter-Petrosyan's supporters to go wild throughout the city," he said.

"All what took place is the result of hatred and anger spread by sown by Levon Ter-Petrosyan and his team-mates during their unauthorized rallies, the hatred that originated from beating of deputies in 1996," he said.

Mr Torosian emphasized that the authorities have shortcomings and there are unresolved problems in our republic but nothing can justify people who violate the law 10 days long.

"Nothing can justify those who shoot at policemen, violate public order and jeopardize security of the citizens," the speaker resumed.