March 18, 2008 - 16:36 AMT
RF MFA: Russian-Armenian partnership developed in 2007
The Russian-Armenian partnership developed in all fields in 2007 due to interparliamentary contacts and ministerial visits. The Armenian-Russian military cooperation under Caucasian tensions has confirmed its significance for security of both states," says a statement issued by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"Russia reaffirmed as Armenia's major economic partner, with investments amounting to $800 million. The commodity turnover increased by 60% and reached $623,7 million.

Progress was fixed in humanitarian, scientific, sports and regional cooperation.

Yerevan Plaza trade and entertainment center opened in Moscow and House of Moscow opened in Yerevan.

Cooperation was active in the framework of the CIS and CSTO as well as within international organizations," the document says, RF MFA press office reported.