March 27, 2008 - 15:47 AMT
Zeev Elkin: Knesset arrived at historical decision
The Knesset decided yesterday that a parliamentary committee will discuss whether to recognize the World War I-era mass murder of Armenians by the Ottoman Empire as Genocide. The government did not oppose the motion. The Knesset House Committee will decide whether to hand the issue over to the Knesset Education Committee, as Meretz's Haim Oron wants, or to the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, as requested by Yisrael Beiteinu's Yosef Shagal. The latter generally holds hearings behind closed doors, Haaretz reports.

Knesset Member Zeev Elkin (Kadima) said, "I am proud of our efforts, which have brought on this historical achievement, and which other parliaments in the world have succeeded in doing a while ago. Israel should have been among the first countries in the world to recognize this genocide."

According to a survey held in autumn 2007 among 509 respondents, the absolute majority (82,5%) agree with the opinion that the Israeli people, who survived the Holocaust have no right to deny tragedies of other nations. At that 72,4% think that Israel should recognize the mass killings of Armenians in Turkey in 1915 as genocide.

43,8% of those surveyed said Israel should recognize the Armenian Genocide even at expense of breaking off relations with Turkey. 35,2% said it's not the price for Israel to pay.

48% think it possible to convince Turkey in the necessity to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide. 33,2% said it's unreal.