April 24, 2008 - 15:41 AMT
AAA: Armenian Genocide denial resulted in Holocaust and other genocides
The world has changed the attitude about the Armenian Genocide during the past 20-30 years, said Armenian Assembly of America Regional Director for Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh.

"Denial of the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire resulted in the Holocaust and genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda and Darfur,"Arpi Vartanian told reporters today.

"Our work should aim at international condemnation of genocide as a phenomenon. As to the U.S. President's annual April 24 statement, George W. Bush is unlikely to use term 'genocide' instead of 'tragic events'. We could stand a better chance if the House of Representatives had passed the Armenian Genocide Resolution. However, presently, the Resolution is co-sponsored by 211 Congressmen against 218 needed. We do work with the U.S. lawmakers while the Turkish lobby uses blackmail and bribe-giving. But we do not lose hope," Ms. Vartanian said.