April 25, 2008 - 01:17 AMT
Armenian and Latino students clash in LA
A beefed-up police presence is expected at Grant High School today following outbreaks of shouting between Armenian and Latino students at the end of an Armenian Genocide remembrance assembly.

The unrest broke out at the school at 13000 Oxnard St. in Van Nuys about noon Wednesday, said Susan Cox of the Los Angeles Unified School District. She said no arrests were made and there were no injuries.

The shouting reportedly began with Latino students taking issue with the program. School police quickly intervened.

"The students that were involved in the friction were sent home with their parents," said Principal Linda Ibach. "We did ask the parents to pick them up themselves. Some of the students were suspended over the next couple of days. We will sort all that out on Monday when the students return."

Ibach said extra officers would be deployed at the campus through Monday "just to make sure that we are all calmed down," myfoxla.com reports