May 5, 2008 - 14:33 AMT
Congressman Perlmutter joins Armenian Caucus
Congressman Ed Perlmutter (D-CO) has officially joined the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues, bringing the total Caucus Membership to 156 lawmakers to date.

"I am proud to join the Armenian Caucus along with so many of my colleagues in Congress," Representative Perlmutter told the Armenian Assembly of America. "This Caucus will help me to better represent Armenian-Americans in the seventh congressional district and Colorado, while strengthening U.S.-Armenian relations."

"The Assembly welcomes Congressman Perlmutter's membership to this important body and looks forward to working with him and his staff to advance Armenian-American issues in Congress," said Executive Director Bryan Ardouny.

Perlmutter also supports U.S. reaffirmation of the Armenian Genocide and is a cosponsor of House Resolution 106. He serves on the House Financial Services and Homeland Security Committees.