August 21, 2018 - 10:50 AMT
Armenian quarter is a rewarding detour when visiting Iran: NZ Herald

The old Armenian quarter is a rewarding detour when you are visiting Iran, The New Zealand Herald says in an article about the Islamic Republic's ancient culture,

"The community, under cruel Ottoman rule, was resettled in the neighbourhood 500 years ago by the Persian ruler Shah Abbas and given religious freedom," the article says.

"Two dozen prayer halls and churches sprang up in the district.

In Iran, one of the finest survives as Vank Cathedral. Inside, stunning frescoes depicting Old and New Testament stories in the style of Italian and Dutch masters hang from walls, the article says.

"A small museum in the church grounds is a must-see. Its collection includes some of the earliest books published in Esfahan, royal decrees with instructions that the torture of Armenians must cease, and chilling evidence of genocide by the Ottoman Turks," it adds.