May 14, 2008 - 17:26 AMT
Armenia stands ready to render essential assistance to China
Armenia's President Serzh Sargsyan extended condolences to Hu Jintao over the devastating earthquake in China, the RA leader's press office reported.

"On behalf of the Republic of Armenia I extend condolences to the friendly people of China over the devastating earthquake in southwest Sichuan Province. I share the grief of the families of those killed and wish soonest recovery to those injured. I am confident that the Chinese people will find the strengths to repair the damage caused by the disaster. Armenia, as a country experienced in elimination of earthquake consequences, stands ready to render the essential assistance," the President's message says.

Monday's 7.9 magnitude quake was centered in mountainous Wenchuan County, about 90 kilometers away from the Sichuan provincial capital, Chengdu.

Rescuers hiking over landslide-blocked roads reached the epicenter, pulling bodies and a few survivors from collapsed buildings. The death toll of more than 12,000 is certain to rise as the buried were found.