May 29, 2008 - 17:10 AMT
Ukraine offers new transport corridor from Black Sea to South Korea
Azerbaijan has a chance to join the new railway transport corridor to stretch from the Black Sea to South Korea, Boris Klimchuk, the Ukrainian Ambassador in Azerbaijan told a news conference in Baku.

Lithuania, Ukraine and Belarus have signed a trilateral deal on cargo transportation in the Black Sea and Baltic direction on 12 May. The main goal of the deal is to increase the cargo turnover between the Black and Baltic Seas. The sides reached an agreement on the transport policy.

"This agreement will allow to cut the term for cargo transit and to avoid discrimination that used to occur in transport via these territories. The sides have also agreed to extend the geography of transit route Lithuania-Belarus-Ukraine and to consider the possibility to attract Turkey, Azerbaijan and Georgia to this project," Klimchuk said.

This route may join the Great Silk Road in the future and reach South Korea. "Azerbaijan is interested in this project," the Ambassador said, Trend Azeri news agency reports.