July 19, 2008 - 15:18 AMT
Turkey's intention to normalize relations with Armenia "erroneous", Baku says
"Talks between high ranking Turkish and Armenian officials are secret for the general public, but I am sure that such meetings are not arranged spontaneously, which means that representatives of official Yerevan and Ankara were aware of these talks," Azeri political scientist Rasim Aghayev said.

The fact is not surprising, according to him. "Political history is full of examples of untrustworthy ally relations between the countries in the present day world. The factor of personal benefits in building political relations on the international arena. One example are talks of Americans with representatives of Fascist Germany in the very end of the World War Second, about which USSR leader Stalin was not informed," Aghayev said.

"Another case is that Turkey's move can be assessed as erroneour. I think, it will be reasonable for Turkey to further resist efforts of the Armenian side not alone but in tandem with Azerbaijan and the whole Turkic world. Unfortunately, we just see Turkey's readiness to hold separate talks with Armenia."

Asked whether "after such steps by Turkey can mean that the talks of the so-called Turkish brotherhood are unfounded?", Aghayev said, "The formula of Azerbaijani-Turkish relations: one people - two states, has once been established. Yes, Azerbaijanis and Turks have likewise languages and  are close in historical roots. But Azerbaijani and Turkish peoples are not a single nation. These are two independent and different people with sharply differing traditions of political culture.

Moreover, we should not forget that Turks are the empire people, while Azerbaijan is not like that. We should also remember that there is no place for sentiments in the politics, here the principle of personal benefit is ruling," Day.az reports.