July 21, 2008 - 18:14 AMT
RA President calls not to search for sensation in talks between Armenian and Turkish diplomats
Armenia's President Serzh Sargsyan called not to search for sensation in talks between Armenian and Turkish diplomats.

"The publics in both states tend to discuss the existing problems and the visit of Turkish President to Armenia can promote their solution. Common sense should prevail to smooth the problems between our countries. Both need to normalize relations," the President told a news conference today.

In a further sign of readiness to normalize ties, Armenian President Serzh Sarksyan proposed "a fresh start" in relations with Turkey in an article published in The Wall Street Journal earlier this month. Sarksyan also invited Gul to a World Cup qualifying match between Armenian and Turkish teams in September.

Turkish officials say the invitation is still under consideration and that the president will decide according to developments.

"Normalization of relations with Armenia is one of priorities in Turkey's foreign policy," said Ali Babacan, Turkish Foreign Minister.

He also confirmed reports that Turkish and Armenian officials had secret talks in Switzerland on July 8.