March 11, 2019 - 14:25 AMT
Runtimes for first two episodes of "Game of Thrones" S8 revealed

There are only six episodes of "Game of Thrones" remaining. They’re going to spectacular episodes — the cast and crew spent more time and effort filming these six than they did any previous set, after all — but still, that’s an alarmingly small number, Winter Is Coming says.

Fans expected HBO to release more specific runtimes as the episodes were edited into their final forms. Now, the network has updated its schedule to show the runtimes for the first and second episodes of Game of Thrones season 8. Episode 801 and 802 will run 54 and 58 minutes, respectively.

So far as "Game of Thrones" episode lengths go, those are pretty standard, and more or less fit with the “60 minutes” you got from OCS. The final four could be a bit longer though.

Game of Thrones’ final season will premiere on April 14 on HBO.