June 6, 2019 - 17:45 AMT
You can soon see Jupiter and its largest moons with binoculars

For space lovers around the world, the month of June is set to be stellar: Jupiter will be clearly visible, and those wanting to catch a glimpse of its moons will only need a pair of binoculars.

NASA has said that Jupiter "is at its biggest and brightest this month," and can be observed in detail with only a minimum of equipment.

"The solar system's largest planet is a brilliant jewel to the naked eye, but looks fantastic through binoculars or a small telescope, which will allow you to spot the four largest moons" the space agency posted on its website.

Lucky viewers might also "glimpse a hint of the banded clouds" that surround the planet, NASA said.

Space lovers will be able to see the giant planet most clearly on June 10 when it reaches opposition --- the yearly occurrence when Jupiter, Earth and the Sun are arranged in a straight line. But NASA has earmarked the whole month as offering optimum views.

From June 14 to 19, sky gazers can see a "beautiful line-up" of the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn, which will change each night as the Moon orbits the Earth, NASA said.

"While you're out marveling this trio, there's a really neat astronomy observation you can attempt yourself, just by paying attention to the Moon's movement from night to night," the agency added on its website.

Although those living in the southern hemisphere will have the best views of Jupiter, people all over the world will be able to enjoy the spectacle.