December 19, 2019 - 13:24 AMT
Lawn-mowing reduction could boost wildlife, save money

Rewilding gardens may be growing in popularity but even a modest reduction in lawn mowing can boost wildlife, increase pollinators and save money, The Guardian reports citing a study.

Researchers from the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières found that reducing the intensity of trimming lawns in urban areas can also reduce pests and weeds that cause allergies.

A meta-analysis of data from 15 years of studies in North America and Europe found strong evidence that increased mowing intensity of urban lawns – including public spaces such as parks, roundabouts and road verges – reduced the diversity of plants and invertebrates.

Intensive lawn mowing also resulted in an increase in the abundance of weeds and lawn pests, according to data from eastern Canada.

The study also estimated the economic costs of intensively-mown lawns, with a reduction in contractor costs if mowing frequency is reduced from 15 to 10 times a year.