November 21, 2008 - 12:33 AMT
Ali Babacan: Ankara and Baku stand a good chance to normalize relations with Armenia
Turkey and Azerbaijan can normalize relations with Armenia, according to the Turkish Foreign Minister.

"We have a good chance to normalize relations and we should not miss it," Ali Bacacan was quoted by Cihan news agency as saying.

Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian will be in Istanbul on November 24 to attend a meeting of the BSEC secretariat and to present Armenia's plan of activities in the tenure of its presidency in the organizations.

The Armenian Genocide will be in focus of talks between Minister Ali Babacan and his Armenian counterpart, Burak Ozugergin, a spokesman for the Turkish Foreign Ministry said Thursday.

"Everything is on the table," Ozugergin said. "We are not precluding anything. The Ministers will take up bilateral issues, including the 1915 events and perhaps regional issues that could include relations with Azerbaijan."