March 19, 2020 - 11:35 AMT
Hayastan Fund urges donations to help ease coronavirus crisis

Hayastan All Armenian Fund has started a campaign to raise funds for the fight against the spread of the novel coronavirus in Armenia.

"The current pandemic of COVID-19 has caused a global call to action and cooperation. In times of crisis, Armenians around the word have always come together to help each other and their homeland, the organization said on a special platform created for the cause.

"The Government of Armenia and the Ministry of Health have kept our citizens informed of not only the current situation through regular updates but the steps required to prevent further escalation in the spread of the virus. Our healthcare professionals have selflessly put their own lives at risk to help those in need and worked diligently to stem the spread of this virus. The potential for an exponential increase, the healthcare sector needs all the support we, as Armenians, can provide."

It is for this reason that the fund is currently consolidating support from Armenians around the world in the form of donations to the cause.

All funds collected through the initiative will be used to provide urgently required medical supplies to the healthcare sector and families who need help to weather the storm.

Armenia has reported a total of 115 cases of coronavirus, and hundreds of people are currently quarantined.