January 20, 2009 - 16:37 AMT
Azerbaijan's attempts to present Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh as its lands should be stopped and condemned
Azerbaijan is methodically and aggressively polluting the international information and political filed with its illegal theses about its alleged right to make decisions on the status of Karabakh, an NKR official said.

"Azerbaijan's attempts to present Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh as its lands should be stopped and condemned. Independence and security of NKR is not an article of commerce," Ruben Zargaryan, historian and adviser to Foreign Minister of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic, said in an interview with PanARMENIAN.Net.

"I should also mention that officials of some European countries are not aware of the conflict and do not have a considered position on the issue," he added.
He also reminded that Nagorno Karabakh has wider borders than the former NKAO and present-day NKR. Under the international law, Nagorno Karabakh has the right to restore its territorial integrity within its historical borders, as it was annexed to Azerbaijan by the Soviet rule in 1921. The Azeri-Karabakh conflict started in 1918 but not in 1988 as it is presented by the Azeri propaganda machine. 
"Russia and West, from various positions, draw parallels between "uniqueness of Kosovo model" and Abkhazia and South Ossetia. They use terms like 'genocide', 'ethnic cleansing', 'humanitarian catastrophe', 'status is a factor of security'. However, they cynically hush up the ordeals that befell the people of Arstakh and the crimes the Azerbaijani government committed against the Armenians," Zargaryan said, adding that it is important to bring to the notion of the international community that Nagorno Karabakh is no more a conflict zone but a developing entity, attractive for investments and tourism. 

"The necessity to classify the principles of the conflict settlement and introduce them into the peace process has matured. Civilized and lasting resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict should base on the following principles: determination of NKR status, recognition of NKR by Azerbaijan and by the international community, restoration of NKR territorial integrity, international guarantees of NKR people security, resolution of the refugee problem in the framework of a peaceful agreement between Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan," he said.

  • Full text of the interview