January 31, 2009 - 13:04 AMT
USA Armenian Life Magazine: Caucasus Stability and Cooperation Platform a bridge to nowhere
Having lost face both among the Syrians and Israelis for its obvious inability to enhance the negotiations, Turkey looked elsewhere to boost its international image.

In the aftermath of the 2008 South Ossetia-Georgia war, Ankara initiated the Caucasian platform diplomacy adding that the Russian Federation, along with Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia should be part of it. Turkey's Pres. Abdullah Gul boasted that the idea of establishing a Caucasus Stability Forum would bring economic development and welfare to the people in the region.

Despite the initial conference on the Stability and Cooperation Platform on Caucasus in Istanbul in late January, many political observers believe that this latest Turkish posturing aims to make all talk and no action. The future will tell how long this Turkish platform will live, USA Armenian Life Magazine reports.