February 21, 2009 - 19:04 AMT
Russian-Azeri border demarcation tragedy for Lezgins and Avars
Demarcation of the Russian-Azeri border is a tragedy for Lezgins and Avars living in Azerbaijan, an Armenian expert said.

"Not everyday violations of their rights but the border is the major problem of Dagenstani peoples in Azerbaijan. Besides, young Lezgin and Avar draftees in the Azeri army serve at the most dangerous segments of the Azeri-NKR contact line," Eduard Abrahamyan, expert at Mitq analytical center, told PanARMENIAN.Net.

He also emphasized that reaching a helping hand to the population of South Ossetia, Russia cold-bloodedly watched Azeri law enforcement deal shortly with Lezgin activists.

"Lezgins and Avars in Azerbaijan longed for joining Russia along with Ossetians and Abkhazians and policy of double standards is extremely dangerous for the Kremlin's South Caucasus course," Abrahamyan said.